Contents Index




Representative Partner, President, Patent Attorney

Noriaki NAGAHAMAChemical Patents

Born 1964, Mr. Nagahama received his B.C. in Chemistry from Tohoku University in 1987 and qualified as a patent attorney in 1995.
He is a member of Japanese Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA).
He specializes in prosecutions and opinions in the Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, Organic Materials, Metallic Materials, Optical Materials, Electrochemical and Biotechnology fields.
Prior to establishing his own office in 2003, he was with Soei Patent & Law Firm (1995 to 2003), Itoh & Company (another patent firm, 1988 to 1994) and Nippon Steel Corporation (1987 to 1988). He has been a visiting professor of Intellectual Property on Chemistry at Tohoku University since 2006.


Representative Partner, Vice President, Patent Attorney

Kazunori HASHIMOTOLife Science Patents

Born 1968, Mr. Hashimoto received Master of Science from Tohoku University in 1993 and qualified as a patent attorney in 1995.
He specializes in prosecutions and opinions in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology fields.
He was with Shimizu Patent Office from 1996 to 2005. He has been an visiting Associate Professor of Intellectual Property on Life Science Technology at Tokyo Medical and Dental University since 2005.


Patent Attorney

Hitoshi MIYAKAWAChemical Patents

Born 1972, Mr. Miyakawa received his B.C. in Chemistry from Rikkyo University in 1996 and qualified as a patent attorney in 2003.
He is a member of Japanese Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA).
He specializes in prosecutions and opinions in the Organic Chemistry, Electrochemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry.

Yasuhiko HORIE

Patent Engineer Ph.D.

Yasuhiko HORIEChemical Patents

Born 1970, Mr. Horie received Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Osaka University in 1998.
He specializes in assistance of patent prosecutions in the Reaction Engineering, Organic Chemistry and Electronic Materials.

Atsuo Konishi

Patent Attorney

Atsuo KONISHILife Science Patents

Born 1977, Mr. Konishi received Master of Technology in Biotechnology from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2002. He specializes in patent prosecutions in the Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering and Organic Chemistry.

Atsuo Konishi

Patent Attorney

Yumie NISHIZAWALife Science Patents and Chemical Patents

Born 1976, Ms.Nishizawa received Master of Agricultural Chemistry from The University of Tokyo in 2001.She is a member of Japanese Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA). She specializes in patent prosecutions in the Biotechnology, Biophysical chemistry, Organic chemistry and Materials engineering.